Brazilian Butt Lift

Much like fashion, standards of beauty are often cyclical. The ideal body is ever-changing and in recent years, healthy curves have made a comeback. Not everyone’s body type can fit a certain mold, however, and many men and women struggle to achieve the shape they want. The buttocks are among the hardest areas to target, being notoriously difficult to build despite countless squats and lower body exercises. Things like cellulite, body fat composition and a naturally flat shape can prevent you from reaching your goals.

If you’re often frustrated with the shape or size of your buttocks, double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Franziska Huettner can improve the contours of your backside and help you achieve healthy, natural-looking curves with a Brazilian butt lift. An expert in body sculpting, Dr. Huettner can add volume to your buttocks, reduce unwanted fat and create a smoother, well-rounded appearance that enhances your silhouette. By customizing each procedure based on your unique needs and body goals, she produces consistently exceptional results you’ll want to flaunt.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift, also known as BBL or gluteal augmentation, is a fat transfer procedure designed to create a rounder, curvier backside by reshaping the outer thighs and buttocks without implants. This is accomplished by removing unwanted fat from one portion of the body with liposuction and strategically injecting it into another, providing the dual benefit of sculpting problem areas while adding volume where you want it. Since this procedure uses your own body fat to augment the buttocks rather than synthetic materials, there is a lower risk of an allergic reaction and other complications.

Dr. Huettner achieves a full, rounded buttocks that enhances your curves by combining advanced liposuction techniques, extensive anatomical knowledge and a gentle touch. Her level of skill and expertise allow her to remove fat efficiently while preserving the integrity of harvested cells. She also has a highly-practiced artistic eye for strategically injecting the fat in precise patterns to create pleasing contours and deeply customized results.

Am I a good candidate?

Known for producing beautiful and natural-looking results that last, the Brazilian butt lift has become a very popular procedure. The buttocks are notoriously difficult to tone and many patients are enticed by the opportunity to eliminate unwanted fat while achieving the firmer, rounder backside they’ve always wanted. To determine if you’re a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Huettner will consider your needs, goals and expectations during an in-person consultation. She will also address any concerns you may have to ensure that you feel confident in your decision. A Brazilian butt lift may be right for you if:

  • You want to add volume to your backside without implants

  • You have good skin elasticity

  • You are at a healthy, stable weight

  • You are in good overall health

  • You have a sufficient amount of excess fat to harvest

If you don’t have enough unwanted fat in common donor areas or suffer from loose skin around the hips, buttocks and lower back, a traditional butt lift may be a better option for achieving your aesthetic goals. A traditional butt lift can’t add volume, but it can improve the shape and tone of the buttocks to create more pleasing contours. To ensure an optimal outcome, Dr. Huettner will carefully consider your unique anatomy and recommend the approach that will produce the best possible results.

What can I expect?

he Brazilian butt lift is a two procedure that allows you to simultaneously sculpt one area of the body by removing unwanted fat and enhance another by adding fullness where you need it most. Before the procedure, you and Dr. Huettner will identify pockets of stubborn fat that you would like to see removed in common donor sites such as the stomach, hips or thighs. Each patient will have different areas of concern and your procedure will be highly customized to produce your desired contours. Dr. Huettner will then use liposuction to extract the targeted fat by inserting a thin, tube-like cannula through small incisions that will be deliberately placed to minimize scarring. Since this procedure will repurpose the siphoned fat and use it to enhance your backside, Dr. Huettner uses a specialized technique that ensures the quality of the fat cells before preparing them to be transferred.

After harvesting a sufficient amount of fat, Dr. Huettner will then strategically inject the processed fat into your buttocks to sculpt a curvier backside. Brazilian butt lifts are highly personalized to produce your desired results, so the amount of fat removed and the number of injections you receive will depend upon your current proportions and aesthetic goals. Dr. Huettner will work closely with you to determine an ideal size and shape that creates a flattering profile and enhances the contours of your lower body for beautiful, natural-looking results.

What is recovery like?

Immediately after your procedure, you’ll experience some swelling, bruising and mild discomfort, but these symptoms can be easily managed with compression garments and over-the-counter pain medication. For many patients, the most difficult part of recovering from a Brazilian butt lift will be the inability to sit or lay on your buttocks after your surgery. You’ll be asked to sleep on your stomach, lay on your side and use cushions to avoid putting pressure on the area. Otherwise, you may restrict blood flow and impede the healing process, negatively impacting the final outcome by lowering the survival rate of transferred fat cells. Although some fat cells will die naturally after the procedure, you can help increase survival rates by not sitting on your buttocks for about eight weeks.

Dr. Huettner will send you home with specific aftercare instructions and advise you on when you can resume normal activities. She will also provide a direct line of communication should you have any questions or concerns throughout the recovery process. She believes that patients deserve the same high level of care at every stage of treatment and is available to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident as you heal.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect From a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Your Brazilian butt lift will be a customized procedure that depends on a number of factors, including the availability of donor fat, your unique anatomy and the desired outcome.

The amount of fat you retain after the procedure will also impact your final results, as the body will naturally absorb some of the transferred fat cells. To compensate for this, Dr. Huettner uses specialized techniques to optimize the effectiveness of the procedure. Her skill, finesse and expertise directly impact the survivability of transferred fat cells to produce consistent, reliable and natural-looking results.

Once your body has healed, you’ll enjoy a fuller and firmer backside for years to come. Transferred fat that survives will act the same as native fat cells, offering a permanent solution to patients looking to increase the volume of their buttocks.

This also means that the shape and contour of your backside can be affected by weight fluctuations, so it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after your procedure.

We are here to help

If you’re tired of the pain and discomfort caused by your breasts and want a change, Dr. Franziska Huettner can help you achieve the shapely, feminine and pain-free breasts you deserve. As a double board-certified surgeon with the credentials and experience to match, her exclusive patients receive highly personalized care and beautiful, artistic results that can only be achieved with skill and finesse.

Get in touch with one of her offices today: